Editing this Document

Getting Started

First and foremost: Please consult the readthedocs documentation (written in readthedocs!) for detailed and up-to-date information on using RTD.

If you are planning on making changes to this documentation, I highly recommend working through the first 20 videos in this youtube series. Some highlights:

  • 04 Install Read the Docs Prerequisites shows you how to sign up for RTD, and install important dependencies through the python pip command.

  • 21 Goes into git and github if you want to learn

A cheatsheet for restructured text and sphinx syntax can be found here but you can also look at source code for other pages as a guide.

How-to Guide

Editing this document requires a bit of one-time setup but after reading this page my hope is that you can edit this documentation hub with relative ease. These are the only steps required to make changes:

## 1. Open up your .rst file in any text editor
open <Tabs/tab_name.rst> # I like to use VScode so I run [code <Tabs/tab_name.rst>] but you can use anything.

## 2. Make changes to this file! Save it and make sure if it's a new tab that it is listed in index.rst
## when you are done making changes, run:

## 3. Render the html, I created a bash alias <build> that functions as an easier shortcut
make html

## 4. Now you can open up the .html file in your browser!
open _build/html/index.html

At this point, your local copy is up-to-date and now you’ll just need to get your changes on github. I’d highly recommend running step 4 and inspecting the resulting page to make sure your changes render correctly before pushing to github.

## 5. Compare local copy to remote (optional, but useful if you have made multiple changes)
git status

## 6. Add changes to git "staging area"
git add . # add all changes to staging area
git add <Tabs/tab_name.rst> # add specific files to staging area, to add multiple you can separate them with a space

## 7. Commit changes in your staging area with an informative commit message
git commit -m "Updates to tab_name [be specific but concise]"

## 8. Push your changes to remote. You should be able to see your changes on the DEPENd lab github!
git push

## 9. That's it, you should now be able to view the most recent build.

And some of these “steps” aren’t even “steps”.. pretty easy right?

One-Time Setup and Dependencies

Additional Resources and helpful tidbits

Here are some additional resources

hashtags need to be the same length as the title